Special Perform by: Sullivan.W

Thursday, April 17, 2014

1st April - Tana River

I have prepare for them my hometown normal dinner dish today

The soy-sauce chicken, oyster sauce fired vegetables, fried fishes & the ABC soup 
I don't know others, but I'm definitely feel good about the dishes ^o^
Finally, they liked my soy-sauce chicken and I decided to introduce the Coke Chicken few day later ^.*

As usual, dinner finished about 4,45pm and Maria called her friend about the Sami's activity today and just realized it will start at 5pm >.< WE ARE SO LATE NOW!!!!

They would like me to attend the Sami's activity which they actually will have it every Tuesday to promote their culture to the student and public (if any), because their activity today is 'Reindeer Ride'

Jorgen would like to save time on the road and he take the frozen river road as the short cut
They used to have the frozen river road during the 8 months winter time but we are now close to spring and the river will melt soon this end of month

Finally we had arrived the place but we need to walk up to the hill for the gathering place
I had forget how long I never see a proper road

And, this is the Sami Camp

If you can Google it, they are actually the earliest people who live in North

I'm too thirsty for a cup of water with the Sami's cup

Actually, I'm not so comfortable with the animal skin on the seat
But Sami culture is linked with reindeer
They are the only legal reindeer raiser in Norway, the special clan in Norway

This is something made from the reindeer's blood and some flour...
I really can't take any blood made food
It's taste different with any food I have had before
But Yumi like it

The girl who prepared the food for us wore their Sami Traditional Costume 
Every Sami tribe have their own Sami's pattern on their collar
The twisted ring on the steel designed for high adjust to the pot they hang for cooking
In another word to say, to adjust the power of fire for cooking with hanging on higher or lower ring

The 360 degree of a Sami's camp

This reindeer haven't grow it's horns
I guess, this is the male reindeer
They have different time of changing their horns once a year
Female will be on Summer (May)
Male will be on Winter (December)
Thanks for Jørgen told me this

The reindeer that we ride on put out it's tongue
The Sami who leaded it explained this is the way reindeer sweat out 
As their fur is too thick to get sweat, just like the doggy ^o^

The fire make a lot of smoke and it will go out from the top which they had save a hole there

Here come the Brad Pitt...  No no no
The snow mobile rider who took us down hill for our vehicle
We miss the ride when we arrived just now as we are late to the part

I will prefer snow mobile than the reindeer ride, can go faster
Reindeer is belongs to the Santa Claus, don't you think so?

Feel thankful to my host Jørgen and Maria brought me here for more understand the Sami's culture
I wish the culture can sustain generation by generation


shuxi said...


shuxi said...


Mun said...

确实蛮冷的,零下20度,不过我穿了3层的衣服,2层的裤子,2双袜子,2双手套,虽然还是有点冷,不过感觉还好 ^.^

那盘不是我的食物,是Jørgen和Yumi的,我不过试了一小口的那麋鹿血糕 >.< 说不出奇异感觉的食物,也不懂年纪小小的Yumi怎么会喜欢吃这种食物 >.< 既不甜、也不咸的