Special Perform by: Sullivan.W

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

10 March - Mt Cook & Lake Tekapo

不知不觉我们已经来到最想去的地方 - Mount Cook



Mt Cook是一个外地来的船长名叫Captain Cook给取的名字,因为他测量过这座山的高度觉得它很雄伟,就以自己的名字给这座山命名了

Mt Cook看过了,我们三个弱女子是没想过要登山的(对,那里开放让人去攀爬的)所以欣赏完了就功德圆满了
我们的下一站就是Lake Tekapo

到达了Tekapo后我们赶紧抓紧时间下榻背包栈,哦,忘了说,从Mt Cook前往Tekapo的路上不是我开的车,路程要大约两、三个小时吧(没记错的话)我已经筋疲力尽了,所以交给没什么开车经验的梦涵来开

哦,忘了说,要看到Lake Tekapo的全貌非得上Mount John不可,这里有个瞭望台,是一所大学特地盖来研究天文用的,我们来到这里除了看有名的Lake Tekapo之外,还想在晚上的时候来到这里赏星星,这里是纽国唯一可以看到整个银河系和南极十字星的地方呢~



无论如何,我还是觉得这间小玻璃屋给我比较写意的感觉,在这里观望Lake Tekapo就已经很不错了

Lake Tekapo旁有个小石屋,是一所教堂来的。据那里的文字记载,只能容纳23人... 这么小的教堂用来做什么呢?据当地人说,主要是用来进行婚礼的,因为以前的Lake Tekapo很少居民而已,所以没想到要起一间大教堂。其实现在的居民也不多啊,才千来个左右 >.<








临回宿舍用餐之前,我抓紧了时间到靠近湖边的石滩上留了影。之前到过了北岛那全纽国最大的Lake Taupo也没如此震撼,这片碧蓝的湖确实感动了我

游玩了湖,我们回到下榻的地方准备晚餐。这里是背包栈客厅的地方,从这里可以看到外面的Lake Tekapo
于是我午餐也做得特别香、吃得也特别美味 ^.^ 这可能就是心态的影响了

我们在这里又从遇到一位以前跟我们一样在Franz Josef 那间Scenic酒店打工的韩国背包客,Hyunah (忘记当时是怎么称呼她的了,总之不是Hyunah就对了。Hyunah是她在面子书上放的名字)她来到这里也是帮酒店打工,据她所说,这里比Franz Josef 好多了,好在哪里呢?因为这里工作没主管嘛~ 我还以为是这里漂亮的湖景让她觉得好呢,呵呵~




Tuesday, November 01, 2011

9 March_Skydive Wanaka

It has been a month ago since I had make up my mind to skydive in this wonderland, Wanaka

Before I went up to the plane, I saw some of the players write some word on their hands in order to broadcast a message while they are 'flying'

For me, I need to tell all my friends & family which 'Happy Go Lucky' is my principle of living

When the plane reach 12000ft high from ground (took about 5 mins to flight), Mark (The handsome Skydive Instructor) just open the door and get out from the plane without any doubt moment

We enjoy the view and the strong wind before he pull out the parachute. I can see lake Hawea (the deepest lake in Wanaka) on right side and the fourth largest lake on left side, the lake Wanaka

I never worry for a happen of accident, because accident will only happen when I'm too nervous 

Furthermore, Mark is an experience diver, he had dive six thousand time before, I trust him and respect his profession

Clutha River in Wanaka

It just look like a sleeping snake lay on the ground there

Finally, we have a safe landing 

After 5 hours waiting in Wanaka Skydive, I meet up with 2 of my travel friends and we heading to Cardrona Hotel which took about 25 mins drive from Wanaka town area

In my country, we doesn't need a warm stove in a house, but we really need one in NZ. This stove set off with the yellow wall light do warm me up.
Now is still Autumn in NZ, due to the difference location, the humidity and temperature are different. I really like the weather here, cold but moist.

 2 of my travel mates intent to visit another 2 of their travel mates before who are now working for Cardrona Hotel as a housekeeper

I had forgot their name but both of them came from Taiwan. We had been treated with a great dinner as a welcoming dinner by two of them. I ordered myself a set of lamb chop, which I think is the best meal I never have had before in Malaysia, Singapore and even Australia

This is an old cigarette vending machine. Erm... I can't recall the brand of cigarettes selling here, because I'm not a smoker >.<

This is the living room of Cardrona Hotel. It's a great place for gathering and life exchange. When outside is too cold for people, they can have some indoor activity over here with the fire

The appearance of Cardrona Hotel was given me a deep impression. It just a simple warm house, no wonder people like to organize their wedding ceremony in this place

Outside the house we do have another warm stove. I think sandfly probably will not approach the fire and warm, therefore the host make a fire stove here for outdoor gathering ^.^

The vines are every where surrounding the house, I can't call the name of the plants but it's really beautiful when the flowers in full bloom

This is the outlook of Cardrona Hotel. There have an antique car display in-front of the hotel main door. In order to attract more visitors and to set up a landmark for this place. Do you like this place?