Special Perform by: Sullivan.W

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

10 March - Mt Cook & Lake Tekapo

不知不觉我们已经来到最想去的地方 - Mount Cook



Mt Cook是一个外地来的船长名叫Captain Cook给取的名字,因为他测量过这座山的高度觉得它很雄伟,就以自己的名字给这座山命名了

Mt Cook看过了,我们三个弱女子是没想过要登山的(对,那里开放让人去攀爬的)所以欣赏完了就功德圆满了
我们的下一站就是Lake Tekapo

到达了Tekapo后我们赶紧抓紧时间下榻背包栈,哦,忘了说,从Mt Cook前往Tekapo的路上不是我开的车,路程要大约两、三个小时吧(没记错的话)我已经筋疲力尽了,所以交给没什么开车经验的梦涵来开

哦,忘了说,要看到Lake Tekapo的全貌非得上Mount John不可,这里有个瞭望台,是一所大学特地盖来研究天文用的,我们来到这里除了看有名的Lake Tekapo之外,还想在晚上的时候来到这里赏星星,这里是纽国唯一可以看到整个银河系和南极十字星的地方呢~



无论如何,我还是觉得这间小玻璃屋给我比较写意的感觉,在这里观望Lake Tekapo就已经很不错了

Lake Tekapo旁有个小石屋,是一所教堂来的。据那里的文字记载,只能容纳23人... 这么小的教堂用来做什么呢?据当地人说,主要是用来进行婚礼的,因为以前的Lake Tekapo很少居民而已,所以没想到要起一间大教堂。其实现在的居民也不多啊,才千来个左右 >.<








临回宿舍用餐之前,我抓紧了时间到靠近湖边的石滩上留了影。之前到过了北岛那全纽国最大的Lake Taupo也没如此震撼,这片碧蓝的湖确实感动了我

游玩了湖,我们回到下榻的地方准备晚餐。这里是背包栈客厅的地方,从这里可以看到外面的Lake Tekapo
于是我午餐也做得特别香、吃得也特别美味 ^.^ 这可能就是心态的影响了

我们在这里又从遇到一位以前跟我们一样在Franz Josef 那间Scenic酒店打工的韩国背包客,Hyunah (忘记当时是怎么称呼她的了,总之不是Hyunah就对了。Hyunah是她在面子书上放的名字)她来到这里也是帮酒店打工,据她所说,这里比Franz Josef 好多了,好在哪里呢?因为这里工作没主管嘛~ 我还以为是这里漂亮的湖景让她觉得好呢,呵呵~




Tuesday, November 01, 2011

9 March_Skydive Wanaka

It has been a month ago since I had make up my mind to skydive in this wonderland, Wanaka

Before I went up to the plane, I saw some of the players write some word on their hands in order to broadcast a message while they are 'flying'

For me, I need to tell all my friends & family which 'Happy Go Lucky' is my principle of living

When the plane reach 12000ft high from ground (took about 5 mins to flight), Mark (The handsome Skydive Instructor) just open the door and get out from the plane without any doubt moment

We enjoy the view and the strong wind before he pull out the parachute. I can see lake Hawea (the deepest lake in Wanaka) on right side and the fourth largest lake on left side, the lake Wanaka

I never worry for a happen of accident, because accident will only happen when I'm too nervous 

Furthermore, Mark is an experience diver, he had dive six thousand time before, I trust him and respect his profession

Clutha River in Wanaka

It just look like a sleeping snake lay on the ground there

Finally, we have a safe landing 

After 5 hours waiting in Wanaka Skydive, I meet up with 2 of my travel friends and we heading to Cardrona Hotel which took about 25 mins drive from Wanaka town area

In my country, we doesn't need a warm stove in a house, but we really need one in NZ. This stove set off with the yellow wall light do warm me up.
Now is still Autumn in NZ, due to the difference location, the humidity and temperature are different. I really like the weather here, cold but moist.

 2 of my travel mates intent to visit another 2 of their travel mates before who are now working for Cardrona Hotel as a housekeeper

I had forgot their name but both of them came from Taiwan. We had been treated with a great dinner as a welcoming dinner by two of them. I ordered myself a set of lamb chop, which I think is the best meal I never have had before in Malaysia, Singapore and even Australia

This is an old cigarette vending machine. Erm... I can't recall the brand of cigarettes selling here, because I'm not a smoker >.<

This is the living room of Cardrona Hotel. It's a great place for gathering and life exchange. When outside is too cold for people, they can have some indoor activity over here with the fire

The appearance of Cardrona Hotel was given me a deep impression. It just a simple warm house, no wonder people like to organize their wedding ceremony in this place

Outside the house we do have another warm stove. I think sandfly probably will not approach the fire and warm, therefore the host make a fire stove here for outdoor gathering ^.^

The vines are every where surrounding the house, I can't call the name of the plants but it's really beautiful when the flowers in full bloom

This is the outlook of Cardrona Hotel. There have an antique car display in-front of the hotel main door. In order to attract more visitors and to set up a landmark for this place. Do you like this place?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

8th March To Oamaru

We left Dunedin at the early morning, with the bless of Bick Hong (the kindness Coach's owner from Sarawak, Malaysia), we ride up toward Oamaru.

Oamaru is a good place to base yourself while exploring Otago's many coastal attractions. As a driver, I shouldn't distracted by the plenty of coastline, I did do well on my part, at least we safety arrived Moeraki Boulders.

Here we are, the Moeraki Boulders. I drifted almost 3 hours (most of the time I can't bear on the sleepy) to arrive here. As usual, we need to walk half an hour from the public car park to the beach.

After the amazing walk at Moeraki Coastline, we finally arrived Oamaru. We all here for its colony of blue penguins (the smallest in the world) & the yellow-eyed penguins (some of the rarest). Well, since this is still the afternoon (around 2pm), penguins are only home at night, we can't visit them while they are still outside in the deep sea >.<

During these empty slot, we went to the public garden in Oamaru. NZ are famous with their beautiful plenty of flowers. I can't name it, but it's really light up my day while I saw the flowers. Don't miss understood, I will prefer the flower on pot.

Well, three of us separate visited the different point of the garden, therefore you can only see me in the picture

How you name this flower? It's really beautiful doesn't it?

The red of flower reflected on my face~

How can a flower growth big as same size of my face?

Lovely flower, as reflected my lovely to this land~

This the most beautiful corner of the garden~ Those yellow, pink & red flower were found here

How's this corridor? Looked like the special wedding path for a new couple ^.^

Look, I found a new species. It's a white rose with red fringe! How much effort they do for this?

After the garden visited, we found that it's still too early for the penguins visit. Drive up to the hill for Oamaru beach view, I found that Oamaru is such a good place for resident. The wind were not freeze and the weather here are much more stable than other states.

I concluded, while we found the flowers here can growth so well, why not for people?

Ya, as usual, the top hill always have the directory to show you the distance from this place to many other places. I wish I can find Malaysia, and finally I found the insignificant of my country to NZ >.<

You can even found Calcutta & Hong Kong! What's wrong with Malaysia & Singapore??

Finally, at night, we drove to the beach side around 7pm to see the penguins return their home to the rocks at coastline.

We did saw the Yellow-eyed Penguins around late evening, but the video that I took is too small to zoom out the penguins, therefore I didn't upload here. Some of the Yellow-eyed are with their yellow eyebrow, cute~

The Yellow-eyed live in the cliff off the beach side

You never know how strong they are to walk up to the cliff everyday, you will not see any of them accidently fall down from there

Every mornng, they will walk down from the cliff to the beach, then go into the sea looking for their foods. A same path, never change~

Guess who I met at the Moeraki Beach? Is Philipp Gunther (we knew each other at Auckland)! And his new g/f (who I introduced to Philipp during our trip to Waitomo Cave). I totally have no idea how he manage to climb up the boulder??? He tried to pull me up but unsuccessful >.< I believed it's all thanks to my increased fat T.T

Although the public garden looked tiny enough for pay a visit, but its make my day, send a kiss for You, one of my favorite place in NZ ~ The Oamaru Public Garden ^.^

Friday, April 01, 2011

7 March 2010 (Sunday)

Dunedin, NZ

我以我活了28年的经历来说,幸福,就是一觉醒来有热腾腾的早餐可以吃 ^.^
真得很感谢殷勤照顾着我们的主人家 - 弼鸿,一个昨天才正式认识的朋友
风多大声 藏不住我的情深 经过的城都有温暖我冰冷的好人~

主角登场...一直不让我们跟他照相的弼鸿~ 最后还不是拍到了 ^.^

话说回头,这辆从Queenstown租来的车身经百战,不知不觉已经遍体鳞伤~ 还记得挡风镜上最大的裂纹是在Bluff那段石子路上被迎面而来的车给‘溅’到的

我们为了省钱,什么车的保险都没买,现在可好,挡风镜上伤痕累累,车子被还回去的时候不知道压底金会不会被扣呢~ Jason看我们这么担心,就好心帮我们买了些工具来进行修补了~

他说这里很多海豹 ^.^


好羡慕它哦~ 那么悠游自在

给我蓝天白云 我把它当棉被 不用谁来陪
给我一段感情 我只要那体会 就没有浪费
给我一杯咖啡 我只要那香味就没有浪费
吐气扬眉 一个人一样能向前飞
不怕天花乱坠 我就是我自己的绝对

别搞错,主角不是我~ 它虽然小,但没有它,就没有了这张照片的价值





才不过4个月我就长了5~6公斤,实在夸张了点吧? 海豹啊海豹,别人怎能笑你又胖又拙呢?



对啦~就是$8而已 ^.^ 由此可见,我们用餐时间大约2~4pm左右 ^.^

有炒饭、炒米粉、寿司、春卷、粥、意大利面、水果、三文治、蘑菇汤、雪糕.... 多不胜数
总而言之,我有吃过、没放过就对了!嘻嘻 ^.^


什么派系?Sorry, I'm not Christian, kindly get your further details of info from those your Christian's friends ya ^.^

不好意思,辛苦摄影师Jason Gan了



找不出什么原因,随手拍的照都可以那么好看 :P
但也要天时地利人和,才能有好照片的 ^.^



这就是全世界最陡斜的马路,在纽国丹尼丁(Dunedin)的鲍德温街(Baldwin Street)
就像这条Baldwin Street,环视四周的房屋和这条路,你会知道纽国人怎么把建筑和环境融合在一块

Ladies & Gentleman, let me present to you, the steepest street of the world, the Baldwin Street!

你该不会是想问我,如果走路的话从最高走下来要花上多少时间吧?Sorry lah,我没走过咯,人家带你走整天的观光,眼睛看风景都看到累了,更何况是腿呢?不过现在资讯那么发达,你上一下网就可以查证到了吧?

不过我们确实有走过这条最陡斜的马路,正确来说,是开车走过 :P

再站下面一点就out of frame了

Baldwin Street, here we are come and see you ^.^

回家的路上不经意发现这所学校,井底蛙的我远远看到时还以为另一个教堂呢! 三八

问弼鸿吧,在这里住了4年他是最清楚的了 :P


背包客的功课嘛~ 再三确认路程、时间、观光景点
