Special Perform by: Sullivan.W

Saturday, March 29, 2014

21-3-14 Heidi's Pizza Recipe

Today is the day Heidi teach me how to bake a pizza

All above ingredient + water + oil

For the topping meat, onion + garlic
The quantity is depends on personal preference 

This is what Heidi going to add later to fired the meat of pizza topping

Heidi prefer to take beef for the pizza, but since she knew I don't take beef, then we have the pork for the topping. Just felt thanks for her consideration

And, she like the tomato sauce on the meat
If you prefer BBQ sauce you can shift to your preference

Then, the mixed flour is rise and ready for the pizza's crust

Just spread the rising flour all around the oven equally


Cheeses on topping

Raw crust ready

Tomato sauce on top at first (Heidi wanna more sour taste)

Fired meat the next

Cheeses on top of the meat

220 degree with about 20mins
You may need to check the pizza frequently as some others would like to have different baked time

Cut the pizza

Then you have it
Heidi make 2 pizza in the different of with pineapple (put below the cheese) or without pineapple
Because her young kids doesn't like the pineapple >.< 

Heidi's youngest son, Petter, 6 years old

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