Special Perform by: Sullivan.W

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

27th June 2014 - Inverary + Backpacker's BBQ

Leaving Tarbert with bus and transit in Inverary at morning

Tarbert's Bus Station at 7am
Church and the clock tower behind me

Again, I passby the unknow castle... from my way back to Oban from South

The Inverary Castle
Unfortunately it's only open at 10am, and my bus will arrived at 10.15am >.<

When I return to the backpacker, guys telling me there's BBQ at the evening
Organised by Nick (US man with Scotland spirit) with 2 pound from every participant
I like BBQin cold weather country
France gang + a Malaysian

Mathilde, a beautiful English-France yound girl ^.*

I found this souce is one of my favorite dressing for salad ^o^


Anonymous said...


Mun said...

你真是哪壶不开提哪壶 >.<