We can't get direct flight from Risøyhamn to Kirkenes
30mins flight from Risøyhamn to Tromsø
1 and a half hour flight from Tromsø to Kirkenes
I met my next host (Jørgan at Tromsø's airport)
He is just returned Norway today from Sweden
Arrived Kirkenes at 2.55pm (surprisingly early!!)
and we probably able to get the bus will arrive on 3.30pm once a day
I didn't know about the bus schedule, I just bought the ticket lucky in the right time
But I think Jørgan is alert about the bus, as he agreed to pick me up from the airport, since he knew about my flight is matching with his, he just bring me to the bus when we met.
217kr (about SGD46, RM119) for one and a half hour distance
Quiet expensive
I have my own room like what I had in Risøyhamn
The wardrobe for my stuff
And we share the bathroom
What a nice house
Since this Jørgan's new house, he made the whole house running the Water Boiler Heater System
The heat is gone under the floor, and the will heat up from the floor to control the temperature of the space above the ground
The balcony
Jørgan nearest neighbor
About 700m away??
The front main road of the house